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Reporting Absences

You can report an absence 24 hours a day! Just call (916) 971-7550 or send an email to

For early dismissals, call (916) 971-7542.

When calling, please include student name, student ID, grade, date absent and reason, parent name and relation to student. 

Basic Attendance Guidelines

  • Immediately advise the office of any phone number/address changes.

  • 5 days to clear any absences - we honor all documentation from doctor/dentist visits to clear absences

  • Please look at the school calendar if unsure of a holiday

  • Call in advance for an early dismissal. This will save time, especially if the student is in PE or you are running late to take the student to an appointment. 

  • Please make sure that you complete and update your student’s emergency card.

  • Make sure your student has all medical forms on file (i.e., inhaler)

Please don't hesitate to call with any questions. Contact Charlyn Perea, Senior Records & Report Clerk, at (916) 971-5803

Encina Tardy Policy

Students must have a Scan Manager pass to enter class. Try not to be late, but if you are, look for an adult in the hallway with a printing station. The tardy policy applies to all periods, including first period. The new automated system will track all tardies.
Tardies 1-4: Parent/guardian contact home & warning from teacher

Tardies 5-6: Lunch detention (30 minutes) and email to parent/guardian

Tardy 7: Warning (next tardy = 1 hour after school detention) and email to parent/guardian

Tardies 8-10: One hour after school detention on Thursday and email to parent/guardian

Tardy 11: Meeting with SCIA and parent/guardian

Tardies 12-13: Saturday School

Tardy 14: Saturday School + Habitual Truancy Conference + Tardy Contract

Tardy 15+: Bulldog Buddy for the remainder of the grading period.